Monday, October 15, 2007

Going Where We've Lost It All

I feel like I've lost it. You know what I mean by "it". That one thing that keeps you going or sets you apart. Running in place is never a feeling that anyone wants to perpetually feel. It just feels like I'm acting out in a film that's just a vicious cycle that plays over and over again. Repetition is life's way of saying "fuck you". I'm tired of being told "fuck you," though. I just need that spark. Something that motivates me. It doesn't help that I'm always tired or feel like I'm running at 38%.

Basically, I feel like Hal Jordan being reamed by the Sinestro Corps. I'm just waiting for those fucking blue Guardians to get off their high horses and allow lethal force to be allowed.

I want to feel like this every day:

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